Tuesday, May 25, 2010

School: Alder Creek Middle School, June 4, 2010

Don Juan and I were fortunate to once again participate in the Alder Creek Middle School Event in Truckee, with our lovely host, Sandy Hord (aka Lady Jean Campbell, aka Dame Charlotte Carmichael). As in years past, the children were wonderful, the staff was marvelous and the food was terrific!
This year we were fortunate that Lady Anne-Marie joined the ranks, as then my services were not required to teach dance (although I did come prepared with music and boom box in hand).
The morning started out cold and lightly rainy. Scott, Shannon and their friend Melissa braved the elements and set up Rounders on the field outside. The kids loved it...especially when Her Majesty would appear and help out the losing team. Sir Ryk and the guys from the Western Circle of Sword took quarter staff practice outside as well. The rest of us traversed between the stations until lunch time.
After lunch (a very fine meal of chicken [drum sticks of course], bread and watermelon, with lemonade to drink), we split up. Sir Ryk and the Western Circle guys went into the gym and set up sword practice; Lady Anne-Marie, with the able assistance of Dame Shaila & her girls went into the music room; Dame Bonnie & Lady Kathleen (aka Katie) traveled outside and upstairs to teach herbs; Don Juan went to assist Jim in his Trebuchet demo; and the rest of us stuck with the Queen (Dame Annabel; Lady Marni and I), roaming from station to station until the end of the day.
At the end of the day, we all congregated into the gym with the students. We told the story of how James Stewart was attempting to usurp the throne (we were doing 1568, when Mary was married to Bothwell - portrayed by Sir Ryk) and thus left the school.
Upon return to Sandy's house, we were treated to a fabulous tritip dinner and then took our leave.
Sadly, this will be the last year that Sandy hosts the school event. The event will go on, but things will be changing. More to come on that...