Monday, October 12, 2009

Team Building Event: Pumpkin Maze, Lathrop, October 11, 2009

This was our final team building event of the year. The Pumpkin Maze is always fun, although next year we may want to find a new venue. The Del O'so family have commercialized their site an awful lot and now there are huge crowds. If you find a corn maze you like, please let me know so we can consider going there instead!

At the Pumpkin Maze, we were able to work (well play) together and independently. We spent time together talking and wandering the mazes, while also feeling comfortable enough as a group to separate and do individual things (some went to the petting zoo, some on the trains, some on the zip lines [yes, I did it!], etc.).

It was great to see Dirk, Elspeth & the girls. It was terrific to see what Gisch & Jenn have created. Dane is absolutely beautiful....

It was wonderful to see Detta and Merrick again. And best of all the ‘family’ was together…there were a few chunks missing (Dame Bri, Fyonna, Killian, Wil & Morrigan), which is always a bummer, but we were together, and it just felt right.
Anyway, those of you that weren’t there were missed. And those of you that were, were very much appreciated.

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