Thursday, April 1, 2010

Workshop - April 10, 2010

The training on Saturday went well. Thanks to Morrigan & Wil for opening up their home for our use during the yucky weather. It was a big help. J

One of the benefits of having the trainings in Sunnyvale during the rainy season is that Morrigan & Wil’s home is nearby, as well as their rec room…and so is my work, so we always have a place to hole up in case of inclement weather.
  • We learned (I hope) a bit about Elizabeth and the goings on during the decade of the 1580’s. Big things happened. If you weren’t able to attend you may want to brush up on it (I have hand outs if that would be helpful), as most of the Elizabethan Faires (Tulare, Queen Bess & The Pyrates, SLO, Folsom) that we attend are set in the 1580’s.
  • We learned some warm up exercises to help us project our voice.
  • We worked on some improv exercises, which were interesting and fun.
  • We danced a bunch [Welcome to the Dance, Gathering Peascods, Ambassadorska Taniec, Black Allemande, Sellingers Round]
  • We discussed upcoming events, including the school event (see below).
  • And we ended the day with a terrific dinner. Thanks Morrigan!

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