Friday, November 20, 2009

Fresno: Kearney Park Renaissance Faire, November 14 & 15, 2009

I’ve been trying all week to think of what to write about Kearney. It’s all sort of a haze, I’m not sure why. Well…maybe it’s because there really weren’t that many patrons there. I’ve heard that they had better entrance numbers than ever, but I don’t remember actually seeing them. We didn’t even need to station anyone at the table. It was … odd.

Let’s see…they put us right next to St. Dismas (like in the first year, but on the opposite side), and then they put a small contingent from Santa Maria (Perry) to the right of us. We were directly across from the joust, with the stone bathroom almost at our backs. It was a nice spot actually, now that we’ve got our sun shade.

You couldn’t ask for more beautiful weather. The sun was full and strong both days. There was a slight nip in the air, but not enough (during the day) to really require a cloak. Night was FREEZING, but that’s why we have a heater in the trailer.

We had a slew of visitors for the weekend. In addition to Detta & Alaistair, we had Teague, Cailin and Kathryn join us on Saturday and we had Maitiu all weekend. The kids seemed to have a good time with Kathryn on Saturday. We all had a blast with Maitiu all weekend. Couldn’t ask for a better guest.

We saw some folk that we haven’t seen in a good long while. Dame Armsmere was working with the joust guys (Knights of something or other … maybe Avalon…maybe Mayhem…I get them confused). We also had Grant, Lynda & Shannon Martyn stop by both days. It’s been about five years since we last saw them. Shannon is doing so much better. It’s nice to see the sickly baby with the chest zipper and heart operations as a healthy little girl. Orion also had some of his friends stop in with their two little boys. Made for a very busy Sunday.

Saturday Detta, Gwen, Tory and I had the opportunity to dance for the court, which is always fun. We offered to let the king & queen fire the treb, but they didn’t stop in. I think they were more impressed with the treb next door. Sunday the ropes broke on the traction treb and Don Juan had to do some quick repair work. Later in the day the sling rope broke on the main treb. Shortly afterwards the rope (I think) broke on St. Dismas’ treb as well. Guess it was a great weekend, with all of the equipment failing on Sunday.

My favorite part of the weekend was on Sunday when I was just dancing for myself with the music running…I was shortly joined by Maitiu…then by Gwen…then by Cullen…and folk just kept stepping up and joining. That was truly the best!

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