Wednesday, December 9, 2009

End of Year Celebration: Yule Ball ~ Saturday, December 12, 2009

Our Yule Ball was a success. We had nearly twice as many folk attend as last year. It was held at a beautiful location in the city. We had plenty of room, tons of food, and some good conversation. Next year we'll add an hour to the time, as time ran short to do all that we'd had planned.

I just wanted to thank everyone for their help, in no particular order:

  • Detta – thank you for the veggie trays, baked potatoes, auction items and anything else I’m not mentioning

  • Morrigan – thanks for the desserts, the favors, the decorating, the help, the auction items, everything

  • Orion – thank you for carting everything (even stuff that wasn’t needed), bringing ice, cooking the food, the prize donation, the brownies, carting your own stuff for me to borrow, etc. etc.

  • Cullen – thank you for cooking the food

  • Wil – thank you for memorializing the occasion on film, and being prepared to suffer as one of my contestants

  • Gwen – thank you for kicking Morrigan and I out of the kitchen, being willing to suffer as queen, etc.

  • Robin – thank you for the bread, the willingness to always help out and for dragging Kieran’s sorry butt to the event.

  • Fyonna – thank you for dragging stuff for me to use, (which we did!), the willingness to always help out, the MC work, and being yourself when other folk aren’t.

  • Killian – thank you for the auction items, the willingness to always work hard, and for being a part of our rag tag group

  • Tory – thank you (and your friends) for manning the doors and getting everyone there, and the willingness to become a man for an half an hour.

  • Kieran – thanks for the comic relief…always!

  • Gisch & Jenn - thanks for the use of the crock pot, the yummy wine, bringing the baby, and joining us yet again.

  • Bruce & Rosemary - thank you for coming through again with a beautiful free location.

God, I hope I’m not missing anyone. I haven’t gotten a lot of sleep the last two nights, and I’m finding that my head is kind of muddled. As I write this, I just want you ALL (that includes those of you who could not be here), to know that without your help none of this is possible. What is a guild without members (& associates)? Thank you all for playing with us!

Happy Holidays!


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