Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Livermore: May 18 & 19, 2009

Like Grace, I couldn't resist... :)

Okay, now that I'm looking at the photos I remember a bit more. We had a huge open field behind us, so were able to fire as often as we liked...and we liked a lot!

Grace, thanks for the photos, by the way!

All I remember of Livermore is that it was hot. Reports range from 102 degrees to 106 degrees. I don't care...all I remember is that it was hot! We had a breeze part of the time, but no shade, except what we provided ourselves. We were also 'lucky' enough (said tongue in was a mixed blessing, actually...we love Mike & Christy, but the forge was rather warm) to be set up next to the Village Blacksmith []. One of our stakes broke, and Mike was nice enough to fix it for us, even though he's not doing that sort of stuff any more. It was definitely convenient to have the blacksmith next door. :)

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