Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Santa Cruz: Santa Cruz Renaissance Festival, June 20, 2009

Santa Cruz Faire was great. At first I thought we were going to be bored. It was so tiny...when I realized how cool it was (temperature wise) and that we were free to dance dance dance, then I realized that it shows considerable promise. :)

I think there may have been a total of 15 vendors (I think I’m being generous), and four guilds. We were placed in the ‘over flow area’ and were pretty much by ourselves (with the auction booth across from us, and the barbeque pit to the side of us). We fired the treb about 12 times over the day (possibly more) and we were able to dance five separate occasions. We learned some ‘new’ dances and practiced a few older ones. We even had Wil join us for two of them. Yay!

Robin and Gavin joined us for the day, which was nice. I think everyone had a good time. I really enjoyed getting Kieran to snarf beer out of his nose. That was hecka funny!

If you weren’t able to join us, you were missed, if you were there, thank you!

Here are some photos graciously provided by Wil:

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