Wednesday, July 29, 2009

School: Alder Creek Middle School, June 5, 2009

Once again we were fortunate enough to participate in the Alder Creek Middle School Event in Truckee, with our lovely host, Dame Charlotte (aka Sandy Horn, aka Lady Jean).

The school was fantastic. We did get a surprise morning of, however...the choir person was a no show and we needed to teach a couple of 1/2 hour dance classes instead. Okay, no big deal...we thought. We didn't have any music but figured we could make due. It wouldn't be the first time. Turns out it was 4 dance classes of 40+ students each...a bit more daunting that we had supposed. By the end of the day Don Juan and I had it worked out and things were running fairly smooth. I've vowed to put discs of the music in both vehicles so we won't be caught unawares again. :)

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